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About Advanced Eco Engineering Ltd.


Advanced Eco Engineering Ltd. supplies environmental friendly products and safety equipments and promotes healthy living and lifestyle. 


Environmental protection has become part of our life in many countries.  Our goal is to increase people’s awareness on the subject.  We supply a wide range of eco-friendly products including bio-food waste decomposer, electric vehicle etc which can be integrated as part of our daily life.  Together we can make an impact and make our world a better place.


We also supply eco-egg washing machine to lead you to a healthier lifestyle.


In additional, we also supply and provide services for Ground Access Equipment / Aerial Working Platform and Electric Vehicle.


We are constantly looking for new and innovative, environmentally friendly and healthy products, to assists people in leading to a more natural and high quality lifestyle.

Advanced Eco Engineering Ltd. 山水工程有限公司

的成立是專門設計、提供及推廣專業、環保、健康生活 和安全設備。

今天環保已成為世界各地的社會文化。為了提升環保意識及推動環保產業,我司主力代理廚餘機、電瓶車等環保設備, 憑藉強勁的產品銷售線、豐富的市場知識及優秀的市場策略,致力把科技、環保、健康融入生活,提升生活及環境質素,共同為一個地球而努力。



除了以上環保、健康設備,本公司尚有提供安全工作台產品、電瓶車、職安健搬運等設備及服務, 可令環境不受污染更令工作人員可更安全舒適地工作。對任何產品有興趣及疑問,歡迎查詢!      

Tel:  3112 1678

Fax: 3112 1679, 3020 6289


Address: Hong Kong

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