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With the population growth, accumulation of garbage and waste has become more and more serious.  Energy consumption continues to rise.  It has caused a lot of negative effect on our global environment.

 As we are living on Earth, we should learn about environment protection, and integrate it as part of our life.


The term “environmental protection” is not unfamiliar to many people.  However there are only a few who know how to support it.  We hope people understand what “green” is and how to act on it.


First of all, learn the 4Rs!

First R:                Reduce Waste

The Second R:    Recycle

The Third R:        Reuse

The Fourth R:     Replace


The load in Hong Kong's landfills are getting worse and worse and becoming a burden, causing environmental impact and damages.  We can start from ourselves in our daily life to protect the environment.  First of all we separate the waste, and by using the "Bio-food Waste Decomposer" we can reduce waste and minimize pollution.


Apart from the common and usual practice “blue for paper, yellow for aluminum cans, brown for plastic bottles” recycling, food waste can also be recycled after it has been decomposed using the "Bio-food Waste Decomposer" to become a nutritional fertilizer.  We can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, plus having more organic plants and reducing the load of the landfills.


"Bio-food Waste Decomposer" will not only reduce carbon emissions.  The food waste can be recycled, and the decomposed by-product can also be re-used as nutritious fertilizer.  A single "Bio-food Waste Decomposer" can achieve the 4Rs environment protection concept.  In addition to the " Bio-food Waste Decomposer", we also have supplies of "solar cell battery", "LED light bulb", and "electric vehicle" etc, to reduce power consumption generated by coal power plants thus reducing air pollution.


Solar energy is the most clean, most environmentally friendly and most durable method of renewable energy.  Having gone through the three industrial revolutions in the past, technology used on renewable solar energy is getting mature.  China is the world's largest solar powered equipment supplier.  We should also apply it in Hong Kong and educate the youth, our future generation, to cherish natural resources and to make the Earth a greener place to live in.


The use of LED energy saving light bulb and electric vehicle etc can help to reduce pollution and preserve Earth’s natural resources.  We should use new technology and products to avoid unnecessary energy consumption.


Apart from emphasizing on the environmental protection, healthy lifestyle has also become a very important aspect of living in a modern city.  During the pursuit of environmental protection, we want to maintain a healthy lifestyle at the same time.  Therefore we have introduced our "healthy-based" products.


Currently there are many ways and methods to detoxify harmful substances from our body.  Some of them can improve our look and have been widely accepted by the public.  On the other hand, some of them are unsafe.  Some companies even promote laxative as a detoxified beauty product.


An average consumer finds it difficult to determine which is safe.  The Aqua-Washer’s rectum cleaning function uses water in specified pressure (or saline water can be used), to clean out all the dirt in the rectum.  It is said to be the safest and simplest way of detoxify our body.


Our Eco-Egg washing machine is not an ordinary washing machine.  It does not require the use of washing detergent. It generates ozone and when it is pumped into the water and the air is being ionized, it sterilizes the clothes.



In addition, our Aerial Working Platform is a high-level operation platform bench, providing a stable and secure hydraulic platform, for indoor and outdoor uses.  The Italian SUP brand, operates from 12 to 41 meters, allows operation in limited indoor environment where narrow floor access is encountered.




第一個R:Reduce  減少垃圾(俗稱減排)

第二個R:Recycle 循環再造

第三個R:Reuse  廢物利用

第四個R:Replace  替代使用



簡單的分類垃圾過程,再透過"廚餘機" 就可減少垃圾同污染!

很多人認為“藍廢紙,黃鋁罐,啡膠樽”可循環外,食物殘渣垃圾亦可透過"廚餘機"分解變做營養肥料,令植物變得更茂盛!除了減少使用化學肥料 ,更可裁種更多有機植物,亦可減輕堆田區負荷 !

"廚餘機"不但減排,而且可將食物殘渣循環再造,再繼而廢物利用將殘渣分解變做營養肥料 !可以說是一部機器成就環保3R之概念!!除了提供"廚餘機"外,還有"太陽能電池"、"LED 燈膽"、"電瓶車" 設備供應,可減輕消耗由煤發電的用電量 ,減少空氣的污染。



我司之產品除了著重環保,健康也是現代都市人注重的要求。因為追求環保,都是想擁有健康生活,所以以"健康為主"的產品,亦是我司引入和推薦 。

目前市場上排毒養顏的方法繁多,一方面說明排毒對養顏確實有作用,已經為大眾所接受; 另一方面,方法太多,必定有些方法是欠妥當的或是不安全的,有部分商家甚至將瀉藥也當做排毒養顏品來兜售,而一般消費者是難以分辨哪些是安全的。地爾水洗機的“直腸清空”功能,採用一定壓力的清水(或可自行調配生理鹽水),將直腸部分的汙物清洗乾淨,可以說是目前最安全、最清晰的排毒養顏方法。




Tel:  3112 1678

Fax: 3112 1679, 3020 6289


Address: Hong Kong

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